Thursday, November 1, 2012


27日10月2012年, 星期六
到达日惹(Jogja/Jogjakarta/Yogjakarta)的飞机场。 日惹是爪哇岛上最古老的城市之一,曾为日惹王国首都。所以我们第一个目的地就是苏丹王宫 (Sultan Palace). 我门请了司机名称为Yono.人本不错。 路上看见了很多三轮车, 车子和摩托车。这里的基础设施蛮落后-没有路牌,没有限速标志板,路灯少(晚上是很暗)。没有司机一定迷路。
在苏丹王宫外面, 有很多摊子。 有买衣服, 饮料等等。很热闹。苏丹王宫入场费是12,500印尼盾(Indonesia Rupiah).
观赏一段皮影戏(wayang kulit,另称kraton)。皮影戏时间从早上九点到下午一点。听不懂故事因为使用当地语言。台上的一切装饰非常精致。
表演时配以打击乐器和弦乐,艺人们一边操纵戏曲人物,一边用当地流行的曲调唱述故事。真不简单呀!邻人佩服 。
第二目的地是水宫 (water palace)。当然我们先来个午饭咯。他们传统的饭叫Nasi Gudeg - 用菠萝蜜和棕榈/红糖做菜,甜甜的。吃不惯。跟他要了辣椒(sambal)捞饭,再把饭吃完。 =P 还叫了橙汁,称为Jeruk Manis。
苏丹水宫里有水池,清真寺秘密地道。苏丹水宫范围还有村民。 小孩子们开心的玩乐。 普兰巴南庙(Prambanam Temple) 是印度尼西亚最宏伟的印度教寺庙,曾遭受多次火山和地震的损伤。为了安全我们需要带安全帽进入参观。普兰巴南建筑的墙分为很多小格子。格子里布满精美的浮雕。当时我们还能看到日落。这么美丽的风景真邻人感动。晚上的气氛一点都不差。静静的享受美景,忘了一切烦恼。

Sunday, February 7, 2010


今天我又量体重了。 瘦了四公斤。很开心!会再努力瘦下去。呵呵。。

我真得很幸运有你们这军朋友。。 =p

Saturday, October 3, 2009

星期六, 3日10月2009年
◢◤    ◥◣    ◢◤    ◥◣
◤      ◥◣  ◢◤      █
▎  ◢█◣  ◥◣◢◤   ◢█    █
◣ ◢◤ ◥◣       ◢◣ ◣◢◤
◥█◤ ◢◤        ◢
    █ ●       ● █
    █ 〃   ▄   〃 █
    ◥◣   ╚╩╝   ◢
     ◥█▅▃▃ ▃▃▅█◤
       ◢◤   ◥◣ 
      █ 中秋节快乐 █ 
      ◢◤▕   ▎◥◣
Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. I'm lament that could not spend this special event with my family. However, I would not miss it to celebrate with my friends and younger brother. Although no activities will carry out, but able to stay together and appreciate the moon, is more than enough!
Hopefully, everyone stays healthy always!!! ;p

Friday, October 2, 2009

Family Trip


在21日9月2009年至23日9月2009年, 是我们家团圆的日子。我们一家人很久没聚在一起去旅行了。很兴奋我一直期待的时刻实现!虽然,我们只是去云顶,不过那些在一起的时间是最珍贵的。 我们就在Awana酒店游玩。游游水,做做SPA,聊聊天,喝喝茶,原来也是一种享受!很开心能同时和我的亲戚一直度过假期。我们中共有19个人聚合在一个房间。很难忘的假期。;p

On 21/9/09 till 23/09/09, I declared them as family reunion days. After so long, finally I got the chance to go for a family trip. IT was amazing trip although we only made it to Genting Highland. The interesting moment was spending the time together. We spent our time relaxing in Awana Hotel. The activities done were swimming, SPA, chatting and enjoying drinking aromatic tea. Those few activities really filled up our time effectively. We gathered with relatives during this holiday. We managed to put 19 peoples in a room. Crowded but we were very happy! Really enjoyed...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


星期六 8/8/09
我的减肥计划有效果了。短短29天,我艘了2.5kg。 太棒了!我要继续保值运动,吃健康的食物。希望能够越减越多!为自己打气。加油!!!!

Finally, I lost weight! 2.5kg in 29 days. Happy to know this result. At the same time, I can felt the different in myself. I felt more healthier as I did exercise and eat healthy food. Unbelievable, I could cut down some lipids in my body. =)I wont stop here..I'll definitely will continue this healthy life style.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


四个月过了,真快!前面的一段日子我都上不到blog!所以,我停止写了。我也不懂如何继续。不过,我把照片放在flickr了。看照片就能理解我在新疆的快乐日子!太棒。。 这个学生交换生非常有意义。我真得太幸运了!回到马来西亚,大家都说我肥了!我知道。我没后悔我胖了。反而我觉得值得!我很开心。

4 months past! After so long, now I could updated my blog. Back to home sweet home!(happy) Everyone was so surprised to see me. I grew fat! It was obviously shown on my chubby face. This was one of the thing gained from this journey! Although I put on weight, I never regret on this issue. I can keep fit from now onwards. Small matter!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009




Today I'd took HSK test. It was a Mandarin language test. The paper consisted 170 questions which needed to be answered within 3 hours. I couldn't completed it on time. Sad! If i have another chance to sit for this paper, I'll definitely won't repeat the same silly mistake. I'll watch out the time!