Today,we went to Turpan for one day trip. Before we reached the destination, we saw
到了吐鲁番,我们第一个目的地是坎儿井。这里有一些人像关于他们如何挖这个井。这条井的水是哪儿居民唯一的水源。听说为了建立这个井很多生命牺牲了。我们还看到了葡萄晾房。 那些葡萄会挂在特别的树枝上然后放在晾房里让它自然干。屋子的墙壁是有洞的。那些洞是让风进到屋子里把葡萄吹干。这样的晾法技术可以把葡萄的糖分保存。所以会比较甜和有营养。
过后,我们去了交河故城。 这里是以前人民的住居。在着我们看到了以前人们的房子。这里很像一个沙漠。除了沙和住宿,没任何其他的东西了。真想象不到他们如何在这种地方生活呀!这里也是婴儿 古墓群。看看照片的解释吧!
Next station was 'Jiaohe Ancient City'.It was a village stayed by Uyghur last time. Now, it was well care for tourism purpose. We cant imagined how people lived in this place. It looked like desert to me. This place was used to bury 200 death babies. Therefore, it was known as 'Ancient Infant Cemetery'.
维吾尔古村是我们的第三个目的地。在着我们可以享受到维吾尔族的生活方式。里面有很多石像关于维吾尔的乐器,住宿,和晾房。如果他们家有人生男孩子的活,他们家的门外会挂上葫芦。 这是想让外人不要常进去那个家里。
Then, we moved to 'Ancient Uygur Vilage'. From this village, we understand better about Uygur's life style. We saw all the musical instruments, buildings and others. I was told that when there was a baby boy birth-giving, in front of the door will hang on with gourds. This was a signal to inform the people in the village to avoid any unnecessary disturbances.
The time was already 2 o'clock. Our stomach started to give signal. To stop the call of stomach, we went to a restaurant to have our lunch. It was included in the tour package. Thus, our roles were to eat as much as we can. I ate plenty of rice. Very full. Satisfied!
'Er Min Tower' was also known as 'Sugong Tower. This tower was constructed using bricks. The decoration on the building was the arrangement of the bricks as well. It's unique construction by Uygur made the tower famous. NOwadays, it was used by the Muslim to do their Friday pray. In reality, girls were not allowed to enter. Since it was a tourism place, it was opened for everyone to visit.
The tour guide brought us to a Uygur family's house. They were very friendly. Before we reached, they already prepared a desk full of dried-grapes, cookies and 'Nang'. We we served with tea as well. While enjoying our high-tea, we were entertained by their youngest daughter's dancing. She was so pretty. She never forgot to put a smile on her face although has to memorize the steps of her dance.
After that, we continued our journey to 'Grape Valley'. Now was not the season yet. Thus, nothing we can see here. However, we can imagined how it will be during the season. I was told during the harvest season of the grape, there will be 'Fighting Chicken Competition'. It will be held in August every year.
The next destination was 'Flamming Mountain'. We heard this place before in the story of 'Journey to the West'. Finally, I could experiances it by myself. It was covered with red sand. The sand was in red colour because of the heat spread from the fire inside the mountain. The highest temperature here can reached 80 degree Celcius. Today the temperature was only 30. No living on the ground. There were many cracks on the ground because it was too dry. It was really a desert.
最后一个金殿就是火焰山峡谷。 这里的风景非常美。有笑佛对这火焰山笑。中这里还能看到‘馒头山’。圆形的山。很特别!过后我们去登火焰山了。要到山下,我们必须过牛魔王洞。里面很黑。很刺激。过了这个洞,我们就上山去了。很累哦!没时间到上面了。我们只登一段而已。在上面喊了‘马来西亚怕输‘(福建话)。这个地方是最值得参观的。有机会到新疆,一定要去火焰山。
'Flamming Mountain Canyon' was our last destination. There was a large 'Laugh Buddhist Statue' faced the mountain. The mountain itself have many Buddhist liked images cause by corrosive. It was very beautiful scenery. One of the mountain here was round shaped. It was known as 'Man Tou Mountain'(Bun). We managed to climb the mountain. Not to the top as time limited. Nice view from the mountain.
I mentioned before the day here was longer than night. Therefore, at 8.34pm the sky was still bright. You can see it from the picture. We stopped at 'Da Ban City' for awhile on our way back. Finally around 11.30pm, we reached our hostel. It was tiring but meaningful memory. :p
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